Reading Notes: Saints: Saint Kentigern and the Robin Part A

Saint Kentigern and the Robin
Image from St. Kentigern

Reading Notes: St. Kentigern and the Robin The Book of Saints and Friendly Beasts by Abbie Farwell Brown (1900).
  • St. Servan had a school for boys of all ages
  • Kentigern was the youngest and smartest at the school
  • The other boys were jealous of him and bullied him by doing a number of things
  • None of their tricks worked so they decided to play a more serious joke
  • Each boy had to tend the fire that cooked their food and when it was Kentigern's. turn the boys put water on the fire so he would be to blame
  • Frantic but courageous Kentigern got the fire back and the boys didn't say a word
  • The boys decided to plan against K again by killing the Servan's bird and blaming it on K
  • Servan got angry at K and believed he killed his bird
  • K showed him that he was wrong by bringing the bird back to life with his tears
  • The boys were astonished and respected him more
Reading Notes: Saint Blaise The Book of Saints and Friendly Beasts by Abbie Farwell Brown (1900).
  • St. Blaise was an animal love and raised in a wealthy community
  • He loved all animals including the mean ones
  • A wolf took his friends pig and St. B called the wolf and came and gave the pig back
  • People were upset with St. B because they were afraid he was going to convert everyone to Christians 
  • Soldiers were sent to capture him but when they arrived to his cave the animals scared then and the king told them they must go back and get him.
  • When they came back St. B said he was waiting for their arrival and came to them
  • He they locked him up and we told to drown him
  • When they tried St. B walked on water like God while the soldiers behind him tried to chase after him and fell into the water
  • When he return to shore he let the heathens capture him again and behead him
Reading Notes: Saint Comgall and the Mice The Book of Saints and Friendly Beasts by Abbie Farwell Brown (1900).

  • The puppies of Comgall tried to get the swans to swim to shore but the swans refused and asked them to leave
  • When St. Comgall came the swans all flocked to him and told them how much they admired him and the same happened with the mice.
  • His people were starving and Brough a silver goblet to the prince asking him to trade it for food
  • The king said no and C had the mice eat all of his food


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