Week 5 Reading Overview: Arabian Nights Part A

Arabian Nights

Arabian Nights: Scheherazade - Story source: The Arabian Nights' Entertainments by Andrew Lang

  • There was a man who loved his wife and gave her everything she could ever want
  • The man found out that the wife had been betraying him the whole time and ordered for her to be killed
  • He believed every woman was so evil that he must marry and kill one everyday so the world would be a better place.
  • The grand-vizir carried out these orders even though he was sadden by him because he had two daughters of his own.
  • One day his daughter asked the GV if he would set her up with the man. 
  • She told him she had to end this killing spree 
  • They fought back and forth but the GV finally agreed and delivered the message to him
  • He warned the GV that he was going to kill her and the daughter asked her sister to spend the night with her and wake her up an hour before dawn.
The Merchant and the Genius - Story source: The Arabian Nights' Entertainments by Andrew Lang
  • The daughter started telling an interesting story about a man who accidentally killed a giant's son. 
  • The giant gave the man no mercy but one year to live so he could say bye to his friends and family. 
  • She paused the story and told him that she would finish the story if she had another day. This continued and this went on for days
  • The year finally came and the man returned to the tree with two other men.
  • The giant came and was ready to kill them but one of the men begged to tell one more story and the giant agreed
The Hind - Story source: The Arabian Nights' Entertainments by Andrew Lang
  • The old man starts telling a story about how him and his wife never had kids but adopted a slave and treated him like their own
  • The wife hated their son and his mom so she turned them into calfs 
  • The man didn't see his son for months until one day he asked someone to bring him a calf to kill and find him
  • The woman exchanged the son and his normal life back for marriage and the man agreed
The Two Black Dogs Story source: The Arabian Nights' Entertainments by Andrew Lang
  • The man ran into his brother and did not recognize him at first
  • The two brothers traveled together for awhile and then their other brother joined
  • While at sea the man found a wife and the brothers became jealous and threw them off board but the wife was a fairy and saved them
  • The man finishes his story and the third man goes on to tell the giant his best stories
The Story of The Fisherman Story source: The Arabian Nights' Entertainments by Andrew Lang
  • A poor fisherman was fishing and caught a vase.
  • He opened the vase up and a monster came out of it 
  • The monster said that he was going to kill the fisherman 
  • The fisherman tricked him into going back in the vase so he could shut the lid
The Greek King and the Physician Douban Story source: The Arabian Nights' Entertainments by Andrew Lang
  • There was a sick king that offered fortune to the physician that cured him
  • The physician cured him but the GV got extremely jealous
The Parrot - Story source: The Arabian Nights' Entertainments by Andrew Lang
  • A man went to travel and left his wife at home
  • A parrot started telling the man things about his wife
  • The parrot was killed in return


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