Week 8 Reading and Writing

Reading Reflection
Overall I think the reading and writing assignments are working great for me! There was some weeks where I have a hard time coming up with stories but I think that's a normal writers process. Life has been getting in the way because I'm in the process of moving into a more terminate living situation and finding a job after my temporary position ended. I've loved the opportunity when I do have a writers block to work on the story lab and learn about a creative process I've never heard about before. I am really satisfied with my blog and story and don't think that I want to change it because I want the reader to see my skills grow throughout the readings and stories. I would say my biggest accomplishments are my stories. I think my creative writing has really grown in the past two months and I'm proud of it. I like to keep my notes bulleted and summarize the story because it helps me a lot when I go back and can choose pieces of the story to focus on. 

My favorite image is the Pizza Rat because I got to tie in a modern meme and fashion in a way that inspired me to write this mythology blog!

New York City's Infamous Pizza Rat


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