Week 9 Story

The Perspective of The Fox

Once upon a time, there was a fox who had the kindest heart of all. He enjoyed chomping on leaves and grass instead of killing small animals. He felt different from his family and friends because he loved the company of rabbits and birds. However, his father felt that the fox being a vegetarian was embarrassing so he took him on a hunting trip in hopes that the fox would become a hunter.

As they packed up for the trip the fox's father told him that it is very important for him to learn how to hunt. It is a part of the fox's culture and all foxes have been hunting for decades. The fox sighed as he knew he had two choices, to either disappoint his father or himself. As they went into the forest the father stopped them and said, "Look there is a rabbit. Foxes love rabbits but they are very smart and you must trick him into following your trap. Rabbits are quite hot-headed so the best thing to do is to dress up sticky tar and hide behind him to provoke the rabbit into hitting him and getting stuck by the tar." The fox sighed and gathered all the essentials into building the trap. The fox laid the dressed-up tar along the rabbit’s path and waited for the rabbit to come.

Hours later the rabbit hopped down the trail and noticed the trap. “Hmmm,” said the rabbit “And who are you? I’ve never seen you before.” The fox replied, “Who am I? I am the greatest rabbit of all. This is my trail. How dare you walk on it.” The rabbit turned his head and started getting angry, “Who am I?!?!” said the rabbit “I am the one that built this trail. My kids will hop on it and my so will my grandkids. Leave my trail immediately!!” The fox said nothing and the rabbit continued talking to the tar until he got so mad, he punched the tar and got stuck. This making him madder, he punched the tar with the other hand and got stuck again. The rabbit had played into the trap and the fox jumped out from behind the tar.

The fox looking back at his dad in the distance cheering him on, but the fox just sighed. As he carried the rabbit stuck on the tar the rabbit begged him for mercy. “Please don’t throw me in the fire”, said the rabbit “I will do anything I promise!” The fox looked him his eyes and saw how scared the rabbit was. He whispered to the rabbit, “I don’t want to kill you either. I’m going to loosen you from the tar and when I throw you into the fire you must hop away as quickly as possible so my dad doesn’t see you.” The rabbit agreed and when the fox threw him in the fire the rabbit escaped from the tar and hopped away.

Authors note: This is a spin off story from an excerpt of Brer Rabbit
Biography: Uncle Remus: His Songs and His Sayings by Joel Chandler Harris (1881).


  1. Hey Grace,

    What an interesting story! I don't think that I've ever heard of a vegetarian fox, but I found myself rooting for your character as I read. I think that the trap that the foxes use is very clever and it makes me wonder what other surprises or tricks they might use when hunting other prey. I also wonder what the father fox will say when he discovers that the rabbit got away. Will he be angry? Or will he just wearily accept his strange fox of a son? Anyways, good work with the story!

  2. Hi Grace! This was an interesting spin on the original! I never would have guessed a vegetarian fox! I’m also interested as to what the father will say since the rabbit escaped. I think you did a great job setting up the dynamics between the fox and his father. They obviously have very differing mindsets about everything. This was so fun to read. Great work!

  3. Hey Grace!

    I liked your story a lot, especially since the Fox had a moral dilemma. Also, your image is so adorable! I was super excited when I saw it. I'm glad the rabbit got away and the fox didn't have to eat him. If I was to suggest anything, I would say that you need to break up your dialogue. Every time someone speaks, it's a new paragraph so the reader doesn't get confused. Good job!


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