Storybook Favorites

Storybook One

The first storybook I chose was Zeus's Ex-Lovers. This story was entirely new to me, but I did catch the modern-day references of Gossip Girl and Cafe 401. The title did a perfect job of letting me know what the story was about. I enjoyed reading the introduction because it was a flash-forward to the entire story which got me excited and wanting to read more! The layout and design were perfect because they set the tone of a darker story and of course, Zeus's lightning bolt was a nice touch. I thought the writer overall did a really good job with everything. I thought the layout was intentional and spot-on, the pictures made sense and gave me a feel for how the writer imagined the story in their head and was very well written. I loved the modern-day references because it kept me interested and made the story less of a history lesson. 

Storybook Two

The second storybook I chose was The Real Housewives of Greek Mythology. Again, this story was entirely new to me but I was attracted to it because I LOVE the Real Housewives series. I enjoyed the author's voice in this story because it was worded similar to the Real Housewives series and storyline. I enjoyed reading the introduction because it was humorous and I imaged the Goddesses like the Real Housewives introduction every week. What was cool and different about each "episode" is that it was in a well thought out scripted format. The writer definitely had a story plan and it was very easy to follow. The layout wasn't as well thought as the first storybook but the writer made up for it in their writing and scripts!

Storybook Three

The last storybook I chose was the Secret Life of Titans. This story was completely new to me. I enjoyed the pictures and the great amount of effort the writer put into the layout because I think it set the tone of the story beautifully. I enjoyed the introduction because it reminded me of a classic Greek Mythology story and it kept my attention throughout the storybook. Overall I think this piece was great. It was a more serious tone versus the other storybooks I chose but that doesn't mean I liked it any less. 


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