The Fish Who Helped Saint Gudwall
Painting by Isabell
- Gudwall found a cave and had him and his pupils moved in
- The cave flooded and they were left homeless
- G prayed and Fish started bringing sand so there could be a wall for the cave
Reading Notes: The Wolf-Mother of Saint Ailbe
- Ailbe real parents did not want him and left him in a forest
- A wolf saw him laying there an had adopted him
- Years past and a hunter saw him running on all 4s like a wolf and took him to his wife
- There he lived happy and grew to be a Bishop
- Later in life hunters had captured the wolf but Ailbe remember her and forbid anyone from hurting her or her sons again
- He invited them to eat with him and his family
Reading Notes: The Ballad of Saint Athracta's Stags
- Was very confused reading this but I think its about a girl who was more interested in the wild and nature than being married and carrying out her duties as a wife. The king was upset and tried to force her to get married or kill her. She found a golden string and wrapped it in her hair and got away.
Reading Notes: The Ballad of Saint Felix
- Saint Felix was trying to hide form the soldiers and dressed in disguise
- A solider stopped him and asked him if he had seen Saint Felix
- He responded no and hid in a cave
- For months a woman brought him food to eat
- When he returned no one was there because the soldiers had killed them all
Reading Notes: The Ballad of Saint Giles and the Deer
- St. Giles was trapped in a cell
- A deer brought him milk and food
- Someone had hunted the deer and St. Giles brought it back to life
Reading Notes: Saint Francis of Assisi
- St. Francis walked barefoot to find a wife
- There was no better, well-know smile that St. F's but he also had no money to his name
- He preached for humans to not shed blood and the meanest animals to be kind
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